Top 6 Talked Digital Marketing Tips You Need to Know More Than Your Competitors

Top 6 Digital Marketing Tips

Digital marketing strategies have become strategically sophisticated with time and dependencies on different businesses round the globe. It might feel a little overwhelming to set a benchmark for your efforts to drive through the storms of sheer competition for you to reign the top spot among your adversaries.

As an online business entity, each of your activity you supposed to perform the right way on internet requires skill, strategy and proper implementation channels that lets your customers find you every time they need your services.

In 2021, the total ad expenses on digital marketing services will be $390 billion as estimated with 17-21% growth from the past year.

So, the advertising channels are seeking ultra-edge on to receive the best from the marketers for the desired audience. 

Let’s get into the top Digital Marketing tips you need to know before your competitors reign the niches:

1. Conducting Competitors Analysis and Research

Before knowing where you’re in the market standings, you need to track the competitor’s activity, ad strategies and engagement methodologies to attract the desired audience to right place.

SWOT analysis helps you begin the competitor research thus creating an analytic framework for in-depth analysis. There are several tools that you can use for deploying your own marketing strategy.

You can strategically think and create a workable plan through SWOT analysis. Beginning with the strengths of your company or business while marking the qualities that separate you from your competitors, knowledge base and tangible assets such as core technological dominance in a specific industry.

This strategy helps initially to track competitors winning ideologies and understanding customer behaviour during the need a particular service.

Tracking SEO

There are several online tools and practices of tracking performance of your competitors. Tools like SEMRush, Moz or SpyFu allow to see with which keywords your competitors are found and the amount of traffic generated from them.

Tracking Social Media

Social media analysis allows you to track your competitors journey through customer engagement and strategy while adding to their ad efficacies along with woes.

2. Pay Attention to Google My Business Listings

Business owners prioritizing on claiming their business information being displayed on Google My Businessthrough Google Maps and local search resultsincrease the chances of being found by your desired audience.

You can use promotional offers and other engagement strategy to attract customer and generate reviews on your listings with accurate information. Google also allows you to post article links and mention upcoming events which serve as a unparallel benefit to an online business.

Optimising Your Google My Business Page

  • Optimizing your GMB page Right!!

Remember, GMB listing is easy but setting it up upright is a mindful task. Just make sure a standard set up of your GMB page is optimized and filled with important information. It becomes easier for people to have their searches done and find their preferences online.

  • Get Your Description Right

Optimizing a good business description over an online niche and making it as local as possible further makes it more relevant to users. It should be up to 750 characters stuffed with 2-3 keywords describes your business best.

  • Adding posts to your Google My Business

Content add values to your GMB profile where you can upload images, event title or include future dates for an event as well with direct Call-to-Action such as Sign-up, Offers, Attend etc.

At GMB, it appears on the frontline, to promote your events, share your content and display your products and services while highlighting great offers.

  • Add 10 photos or videos to GMB posts

Videos and images can help benefitting businesses and e-commerce stores in bringing their ability in front of their audience.

  • Collect Reviews

Reviews are real-world signal which people actually think about a business, its position and ranking on local search. You can simply ask for reviews from your customers and can also set standard templated email while personalizing before you send them to your customers.

Don’t forget to respond to reviews whether it is good or bad, respond to all responses as this would give your customer an insight of your seriousness while handling your customer interests and grievances.

3. Email Marketing

Emails still today are the most effective channels of digital marketing and requisite strategies for optimizing a perfect email marketing campaign is:

  • Just sign up to the RSS feed of your competitors’ list within your industry with similar target audience.

  • High-performing emails start with a great subject line. So, keep them short, catchy and personalized.

  • Continuous testing with the elements such as email copies, subject line, CTAs helps you better optimize and deliver personalized emails to customers.

4. Be wise on setting up Paid Advertising

You can always start a paid advertising campaign for your business with an executable plan and consistent strategic roadmap. Here are the things you need to follow:

  • Keyword Research and SEO: Reading peoples’ mind is non-other than researching keywords that determines your strategy to be found on search engine results. Proper keyword research is an important aspect in reaching targeted ROI.

  • Landing Pages: Creating highly targeted campaigns with highly targeted pages run effective for paid campaigns.  

  • Marketing Strategy: When your goals and objectives are defined, you need to implement SMART frameworks to invest on your paid campaigns or advertising to fit into your marketing strategy.

5. Watch your CTAs

You can test your call-to-actions’ on your website that carry a vital importance in ensuring easy access for your customers at every point of their visit to your online store.

Being easy to navigate ensures conversions and these are the critical factors which make up for optimal conversion rate and strategic implementation of CTAs.

6. Putting More Effort into Influencer Marketing

It’s a type of strategy that powers your social media presence to penetrate through your customer ideology in believing you. More than 80% of the customers are believed to get influenced from such activities.

Influencer marketing uses endorsements and product mentions from influencer or well-known individuals viewed as experts in your domain or product type. It generates trust and their recommendations acts as a proof of genuineness for the customers.


With highly targeted goals in place, you can choose the channels and activities that will have the most positive impact and highest ROI. Let us know which of these tips will you start with?

No matter what digital marketing activities you choose to partake in, the most important thing is building a comprehensive strategy required to create most important base in your niche.

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